Monday, March 2, 2009

Worst Day Became A Reality

You always dream of those days, the worst ones. But usually that is all they remain, just a dream. Today was not just a dream. Today was actually a reality. I went to bed last night hopeing to wake up and hour early to get in a few more study mintues for my test today. Instead my alarm did not go off, for some unknown reason. But Miracously I woke up at 7:48, one hour too late of course. My class was going to be starting at 8am, and there was no possible way I would be able to take the bus, since i had missed both the 122 and the 4.

I thought I would try calling a cab, yet didn't have any cash on me, and wasnt sure if I would be able to run into brock get money from the bank machine, then head back out to give the cabby the cash, then run back into to finally sit down and write my exam. As I contemplated this for the 50 seconds I got dressed I came to a better conclusion. I would ride my bike.

Yep thats right, allowing myself 10 minutes to get to brock on a mountain bike in the middle of winter. Not having been outside I dressed myself accordng to how I thought it would be, I wore lovely skate shoes (yepp not boots), stupid skinny jeans (should of worn sweats, or layers of pants), one long sleeve shirt and my winter coat, with crappy gloves that have holes. I never biked faster in my life, it was sooo cold, my legs were numb, the hairs on my arms were sticking up, and I couldn't feel my toes, hands, face, ears, etc.

Once I arrived at Brock I ran to my classroom to get there at 8:10. Not bad considering the weather conditions outside. I appoligised to the teacher for being late and sat down to write the test. I couldn't even focus, I was shaking unbelieveably, and my entire body was still numb. Im sure I smelt lovely considering I missed time to put on deoderant, or brush my teeth. Im sure I looked like compelte zombie. Thank god chys is mostly girls majoring haha. Too be honest, I even forgot to wear underwear haha, so uncomfertable in skinny jeans haha. And sooo sooo very cold. Too me longer then expected to write the test, still hoping I did okay. (one can only hope). I took as long as I could because i knew I would then soo have to hop on my bike and ride back home.

And so I did, I don't think my body ever fully warmed up when arriving at the school, because going outside felt colder then before. I rode back home, trying to ride even faster. I think the wind had picked up in the hour and half it took me to write the test. You know the feeling when you stick your head out the car window and there is sooo much wind coming into your face that you gasp for air. (okay yeah it happens walking on windy days too, but a car sounds sooo much cooler). But it defintly was like that riding home, I found myself gasping for air, and trying to get warmer by pumping faster only to realize I'm riding on a flat tire. Great i thoguht to myself. It defintly can get worse. I almost fell off my bike twice because of having to turn my head to avoid large gusts of wind. I couldn't even breath, as tears strolled down my face, I didn't think I had anything left to keep peddling except the thought of warm bed!!!. I finally arrived home, fingers and toes numb, felling like I fell into a bucket of ice cold water. I thought ooooh wouldn;t it be perfect to get home and hop in a nice warm bed!!!! Of course it would in a dream, but no in reality, my bed was frozen, the floor of my room and house felt like ice. Our heat has been broken since last night and is still not fixed, so I sit and freeze in my ever sooo cold room with a temperature at 10 degree's.

I've been home for a little while now curled up in bed and still theres no feeling in my toe's, my fingers feel like they will fall off, and I have no desire for anything but warmth right now. Considering it is only 10:50, im nervous for what the rest of the day holds. A little advice for students who have tests, SET TWO ALARMS, or DOUBLE CHECK THE TIME A MILLION TIMES. It is way tooo cooolllddddd for thissss...


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, poor Stephie. That's totally not a good thing.

But at least you got a workout, yeah? :-P

Red said...


You're RIGHT! I DID enjoy that! You goof!

I hope if your heat isn't fixed you're at least somewhere warm.... It SUCKS when the heating's out!