Monday, August 17, 2009

A Epic Journey

I don't think there is any word better then EPIC to sum up the trip I endeavored this past weekend. The word epic sometimes I think to myself doesn’t even give it justice. This past weekend was the adventure of a lifetime. As the countdown started I began getting more and more excited, sharing the excitement with those I work with as well as family members about this crazy experience that I would soon be heading on. So now here’s the story of what happened.


It all started Friday night where I awaited the pickup from Jon to begin the trip. A little delayed because of a wedding he had to attend but none the less it was an enjoyable wait yet eager the whole time. Once he arrived we finally set sail (well set gas pedal) ha-ha and drove on our way to reach the Niagara region. After sitting in traffic, taking a few wrong turns, and realizing I did not bring the map we arrive. By now it was 2:30 and we were both exhausted, we were unsuccessful with finding a campsite that was open, or one that didn’t cost money so we kept driving. We found a glorious field which was covered by bushes all around so the car and tent wouldn’t be seen. Yes sneaky and gypsy like but so worth it. We set up tent and decided to hit the sac. It was awesome sleeping in a tent once again. Hearing the sounds of nature all around and being all cozy in my sleeping bag it was defiantly a good sleep.


The morning on the other hand. By goly was it hot. As the air seeped into the tent, I could feel the sweat pouring off my body. Considering the time being 8:30 it was SOOO HOT. We had quiet a lot of distance to cover so we needed to get a move on. Jon and I packed up the tent, and drove out of the field and town we were squatted in and drove towards st. catharines for some delicious breakfast. YEAHOO DONUT DINER…After eating we knew we were ready. We drove towards our starting location. With a small pit stop for get this…….GO KARTING! We did 9 laps of this fast track go kart course and played a round of miniputt. After sweating to death at the miniputt course, and getting my kart bumped and getting passed by Jon we were finally ready to get to our starting location for the long haul. We decided to start at the Niagara Cable Car. So we loaded out bikes up, packed our backpacks, wished each other luck, and we were set. We road past the Great Wolf Lodge, Past Clifton Hill and Niagara falls, following it all along the parkway past beautiful bridges, and massive homes. Stopping a few times for snacks and pee breaks. Road through what was known as Chippewa and old Fort Erie. Till we reached the break point of the path. All of these were some of the most picturesque things. It saddens me that I did not have a camera yet deeply honored that I had the chance to experience this trip. We had then reached Fort Erie the stopping destination for this leg of the trip. As we road (still without a map) trying to guess which way to go, our backpacks and bike’s feeling heavy, and just wanting to rest at the site. We head to get their by 8 in order to be counted as checking in on time. This road seemed the longest, one straight long path without much to see on either side. Once arriving we were able to set up camp anywhere we liked. We picked a nice spot with an amazing view of the water, which was to later be blocked by a truck. None the less we arrived set up site and went for a swim. SO FRESRESHING! After the swim we decided because my bike had a flat tire we would walk into town to get some food and some beer to drink. OH MY GOSH. Hardest walk of my life, we had no idea where we were going, the streets made no sense, and there was absolutely nothing in fort erie. We left at we’ll say 7:30 arriving at the beer store 9:15….oooh and just with our luck it closed at 9. None the less we found this amazing pasta place with a liquer license and they were open to 11. We headed in, ordered the most amazing meal and a lovely pint of beer. Quiet the amazing top off to a fantastic day of riding. We decided because the walk took so long we would cab it back to site. Turned out our cabby was from my hometown and lived 2 streets over. And knew the area in which Jon lived. Once arriving back at site we were dead and headed to bed. Hitting the pillow(our clothing haha no pillows brought) and going out like a light. All I can say is it was a huge success.


Woke up Sunday morning, with an amazing feeling. I knew we had conquered half the trip and that was all so enjoyable. After packing up our stuff we were ready to get going. With my flat tire we knew we had to pump it up before we got to far ahead on the trip. As we road through the campground we realize they had an air pump the entire time. Which means we could have road our bikes last night and get to town on time. Oh well, the walk still was pretty worth the food. I filled up my tire and we started to ride. Going back seemed such a less distance then the way we road. As we road my tire continued to loss more and more air. Jon being the amazing bike mechanic he is, determined their was a hole in the tire which caused me to need to buy a knew one. After reaching Niagara falls we finally decided to head towards a Walmart, walking on foot, for what seemed like forever. I defiantly became a little upset and could feel the tiredness and sun attacking my body. Thank goodness for Jon to keep me sane and boost my spirits with excellent mitch hedberg jokes and chocolate mnm’s. After replacing the tire we were back on our bikes for the last leg of the trip. My now my hands are hurting from the bike tape slowly ripping and peeling away on the handlebars leave lovely red burning area’s on my palms.

Though we endured so much pain in times it was all very worth it. After arriving at our final location/the starting point we were the two happiest people. So proud of not only myself but also Jon for one hell of a trip. Biggest grin on our faces and a continuous saying of “I can’t believe we just did that, were such troopers”. It still seems insane that we just road the distance we did. This blog post doesn’t even begin to describe the trip yet can only provide you with a SMALL sense of what happened. After 87 km’s of riding, 20 km’s of walking, 15 liters of water, hours of talking, and a countless amount of laughter this was one hell of a trip. I am so glad I went, and wouldn’t have wished for my riding partner to be anyone else.


Red said...

Okay...I haven't read it yet but I'm DYING to - we got Brav's synopsis last night at my mom's house - HILARIOUS!! hahahaha You poor thing! I'm really really looking forward to your version! ;)

Red said...


You guys are insane. ;)

stephs.unforgettable.moments said...

Haha. Honestly the post doesn't even do the trip justice. It was sooo amazing. Glad to hear Jon's side of the story made you laugh. We defintly endavoured a few hardships along the way yet persavered to the end. Which was so very wroth it.