Sunday, June 14, 2009

1 week remaining......and Shout outs!!!!!

So today is Sunday June 14th and that means there is 6 days until the full marathon. It's hard to believe this date has come so soon. I still do not feel prepared enough. I think I am more nervous for this then I was for my drivnig test (which I did indeed pass...yipppee). Anyways, as this week went by I got a few really good runs in, mixed with some easier runs.

- Ran 14.1km
- Ran 23.76km (this was hill day....oooh boy did it kill me, and my knees)
- Ran 12.61km
- Ran 22.21km (got a dirty blood blist...poo, stupid wrong socks)

Still no 32km to show which gets me worried. I'm hoping that I have the strength and determination to pull through on Saturday or else at 29.2km I'll be stopped and not able to continue. Anyone got any advice for this last week, besides taking it easy)??

Also shout outs to Heather for starting to run. Apparently I have inspried her she says, so a few times this past week and the week before we have headed out on nice and easy 30 minutes runs...with a walk 1 minute, run 1 minute approach. This week we increased to 35 minutes of walk 1 run 1. Till adventually we can swtich it up and run 2 walk 1, then run 3, walk 1.....etc... Her goal is to adventually be able to run a 5km by the end of the summer. So here's hoping. I know she can do it, and I shall help every step along the way.

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