Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trainings Begun......8 weeks to go!

So, Its become offical. I have registered for my frist EVER FULL MARATHON!, and I won't lie. I am scared to pieces. Outlined in my running book it says that most programs are 18 weeks that help you balance yourself towards your future final goal of running a full. Not trying to squeeze it into 8 weeks. But it's all I got so I need to work with it.

Heres how my own minature formated version of John Stanton's Marathon Completion Workout Schedual will go:

Week 1: Run between 12 to 16km
Week 2: Run between 16 to 20km
Week 3: Run between 20 to 24km
Week 4: Run between 24 to 28km
Week 5: Run between 28 to 32km
Week 6: Run between 32 to 34km
Week 7: Run between 28 to 32km
Week 8: Run between 12 to 16km

So as I run. I need to tackle the lowest amount listed, as well as the hightest and maybe a run or two inbetween the amount as well. I hope this will give me a good basis, and keep me in good running shape to complete the race. I am sure this weekly plan will change depending on weather, how I am feeling, work etc. But it's better then nothing. And one can only hope for the best.

Week 1:- Ran 12km in the pouring rain, yet surprisingly an amazing run:)
- Ran 19.7km....okay a little out of the oridanry yet didn't realize I went this far until I came home and mapped it...BUT SHIT SON was georgeous too...ran down to the waterfront, and all along the water...BEAUTIFUL!
- Hopefully get in another 13km and maybe a 16km in the next 3 days.

I decided to start yoga, my mom has a plethra of video's lying around, and decided to try them out. It has been almost a week and I love them. I do one every morning, or evening. Whenever I have time really. The guy is incredible his name is Rodney Yee. Check him out.

1 comment:

Red said...

Oh I LOVE yoga. Good supplement. Helps with some of those aches and pains we develop. ;)

I love love yogilates ( by Jonathan Urla - little extra core strength and stability you don't normally get from yoga alone which is awesome for runners. F.Y.I.

You're a machine. :D