Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Missing home

It's been too long. I miss you all soooo very very much.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tour Du Canada 2010

Hey Everyone!!!

So this may be the most extreme epic and intense post you will ever read that I will write about. I know it's early that I share it but time seems to be flying by and I wanted to prepare everyone for my summer that lies ahead. So here it goes.....I am planning on doing the Tour du Canada. I applied in October and happened to get accepted. I never thought that, this chance would be even possible but I have decided that I have been given the chance I can not pass it up. Tour du Canada, is the longest annual bike ride in the WORLD. It is a cross continent trip which will take place this summer for 10 weeks.

The 7,550 -kilometre trip goes through all 10 provinces and allows riders to experience the diversity of the regions. We ride from west to east, taking advantage of prevailing winds. So we are starting in Vancouver B.C. and finishing in St. John's Newfoundland. We plan to leave June 26th with an optional trip to mile 0 on vancouver island the day before. Which I defintly am planning on doing. Then finally ending in good old Newfoundland for a banquet dinner. Each accommodations is pre-arranged. At a few locations we stay in university dorms or hostels, but mainly it's my own tent over my head at night. It consists of 72 days total with a few rest days inbetween days of riding. A truck is supplied to carry my tent and multiple belongings so during the day it is me, my bike, and my lunch on the road. There is a chance for internet and mailing locations at time, so don't fear I will indeed keep in touch.

I know that their will be days where it will be the hardest thing to get up and pedal especially interms of extreme weather conditions, but the ending result will be a feeling that I can't even describe. I think it will be bigger and better then any running race I have completed.I feel that the tour is an experience of my lifetime that cannot be missed or passed up. I am both extremely excited and extremely nervous. I hope you all continue to follow this blog for the summer months to keep posted on my whereabouts of the trip.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Glee and Tea fortunes...or studying, which ever you want to call it

So, as the end of the term has drawn near, everything has wrapped up except exams. So I decided instead of studying to take a lovely long few hour breaks to watch my new favourite show GLEE!!!!!, and create some neat gift for my best friend who's off to australia. I figure in case she needs a few pick me up's I created tea fortunes. Every tea bag has a different colour string attachted with a fortune/a cute saying. For instance: you are unlimited, or feel great act great be great, or love every moment. I know it's nothing spectacular but I think it is something she will really enjoy on her "missing canada days". I'm soo very excited for you and can't wait for our many skype dates!!!!
Here's a few pictures of the tea fortunes I made, sorry they are so junkie it was with my webcam.

.......hmmm maybe now I should get back to studying.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


“ I’m tired of being sad. I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of feeling empty inside. I’m tired of feeling worthless. I’m tired of feeling stuck. I’m tired of feeling crazy. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of yelling. I’m tired of pretending. I’m tired of dreaming of a life I will never have. I’m tired of missing things. I’m tired of missing people. I’m tired of remembering. I’m tired of wishing I could start all over. I’m tired of not being able to just let go. I’m tired of faking it. I’m tired of being different. I’m tired of being angry. I’m tired of needing help. Most of all, I’m just I’m tired of being tired.
— Unknown

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pardon my french..

Life's just soooooooo messed up right now. It needs to pause, my mom needs to get healthy, my aunt needs to get better, school needs to slow down, work needs to get easier, family need to come home, good things need to happen to good people, friends need to stop disappearing, truth needs to be told, money needs to be made, birthday's need to not suck, and hearts need to heal.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas time's a coming!!!!!!

Decided to spent saturday evening making homemade christmas cards. Was feeling a little crafty, and decided to give it a go. Got soe construction paper, some glue, and brainstormed for some ideas. Might I say I am soo pleased with the results. I know my grandparents would be as well. Be watching your mailbox for a homemade one soon!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oooh trying to write papers at midnight..

You know you've gone insane and have been doing your paper for too long when you start to relive your childhood with old music videos.....Yet, that's not even the worst part. The worst part is remembering every single line to each song. Oooh old school dances and boy band obsessions. How I miss being 12.

S Club 7 Reach Up....

Moffats..miss you like crazy

Otown...all or nothing

Backstreet Boys..I want it that way!

N'sync...Tearin' up my heart

B44...Go Go

KC and JOJO...All my Life

Aqua....Dr. Jones

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

fourth year life:S

Busy bee. That's how I feel like this november is going, and I know it can only get worse from here. It is expected being in fourth year for all these challenges to arise, the power now is can I overcome all of them and still do well. I guess we shall see. I have enough faith in myself, it's just purcrasanation is sooooooooooooooooo much easier haha. I can't even go back to think where it all began. But I think I will go with last friday.

- Woke up early, caught the bus downtown toronto. Met a friend for lunch. Walked around Toronto till 3, when I was able to go in and visit my mom. Visited the mother in the hospital for a while. Dad, brother and his girlfriend showed up. Went our for dinner at like 6. Had dinner, then met friends at Union for some wicked CTF....the game was incredible. But by midnight I was tired and it was time to take the train home. Got home one ish and hit the sac immediately.

-woke up, had breakie with dad, showered, drove to toronto, caught the greyhound back to st. catharines to get to work. Worked from 1:15 till 6:15. Came home, went for a run. Showered, ate, started searching for articles. At 11 headed to a friends for a destresser which included rockband playing.

- Woke up early, read chapters all day, read articles and summarized, did my usual online posting. Went running and then Headed to bed early from being exhausted.

- Woke up, did quick assignment for class. Went to class from 11-2. Went to work from 2-5. Went to class from 5-8. Came home worked out essay.

- Woke up, summarized articles for second essay. Went to brock to do reserve readings. Played final frisbee game (which sadly we lost...but lost in sudden death so it wasnt too bad, it was an amazing game). Then went straight to work after the game till 9:15. Walked home. Showered, ate, and searched for information for group presentation.

- woke up, started studying for my midterm tomorrow. Went running. And then back to more studying.

The rest of the week consists of:
- Snap 9-11, midterm/class from 11-2, writing paper

-meet group for presentation 8:30
-class 11-2
-class 2-5 (hand in two assignments)
-work 6-9

- work on paper that is due monday all day!!!

- finish up paper
- work from 1-6

I don't even want to begin to think how next week is going to be. All i know is that I am slowly counting down the days till christmas so we can finally have a good decent break.
Even among all this really awful news some good news has taken place. I've been accpted...I am sooo excited, and I don't even know where to begin, well the first step is getting the money together but still. It is the dream of a lifetime and I can't wait for it to take place. I'll be sure to fill everyone in on more details as the weeks goes on. But for now...all you need to know is I AM ACCEPTED:):)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Never too old for dressing up.

My halloween costume. First picture of the night, and one of my most proudest costume!

Life update:
Running----> Still going strong, pulling off between 8 and 14km about 5 or more times per week. With the change in weather its getting hard to want to go out in rain and wind, but its defintly still doable.

School----> Doing really well, Surprised a little but loving this year. It's been a busy october and november is even worse so we shall see how it goes. Intramural frisbee finals are this week. So I am praying for a win, I could use another tshirt haha.

Family---> It's going to be tough this week, considering she's normally been the strong one, but now its out turn to be strong for her. Love you tones Mommy!!!!!.

Bike Trip---> Applications are being processed this week, So here's hoping!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make A Difference

This video is a must watch, not just for those who want to be teachers for for anyone and everyone. It brought a tear to my eye and just reproduces the fact that you can indeed make a difference.

Click here for the video

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Pooh, promise me you won't forget about me, ever. Not even when I am a hundred."
Pooh thought for a little.
"How old shall I be then?"
Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said.

Friday, October 9, 2009

All's I am saying...

Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place...
(Dazed and Confused)

Been going fantastic...usually running everday between 7-17km. Hopefully do some 20k's before it gets too cold and snowy and dark.

Loving working, and soon I will love have money again:)

Busy..lets refraise that HECTIC at times. Really enjoying it, classes are interesting the workload needs to take a small break. I also joined a outdoor frisbee team and the outdoors club, both which are soo much fun and a great way to get out and meet some people

The Cross Canada Tour Package finally came. It is amazing. Planning on spending this
thanksgiving reading all about it. And the savings well underway.

Feels good to be home again. Theres no place like home defintly is a true statement. Found out my blood type from my donation. I am B Negative.....apparently rare. Makes me feel very special and important. I Can't wait for turkey and seeing family these next coupld of days. Oooh and most defitnly I am pumped to spend a few nights at my brother's house. Life is good!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back in action

Being back and having new shoes I have slowly worked my way back to what I was doing in previous weeks and I couldn't be more excited. Solid days of running, even in the heat. The shoes were giving me a bit of pain at the start because I hadn't used them and got the feel, yet slowly as the days have gone on they have become one with my shoes.
Monday: Ran 5km
Tuesday: Ran 9km
Wednesday: Ran a wicked 14km
****Donated blood for the first time too, it was soo neat. I felt like a better person because of it. And I think I may defintly do it again.
Thursday: 5km
Friday: No run
Saturday: 7km
Sunday: No run to claim for today, but I went horseback riding for the first time in ages. It was incredible. The Outdoors club I think was my favourite thing I have done so far this year. The people are amazing and we get to do the neatest things. Of course I got the horse that poop's none stop but meh it was wicked going along the escarpment.

NEW GOAL: the goal for now is to work my way back up to around 15 to 17km maybe twice a week. I would love to drive to do another full or half in November here's hoping.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

B-Rocking the Halls

It's defiantly that time of year again, where I'm back in action at Brock. Working hard at school, and living in a new house. After many grueling hours packing, and dreading coming back they all seemed to get put behind as soon as I stepped into my new house. It’s weird how after a few days of being upset things can turn completely around. After spending my long labour day weekend, upset and really wishing the summer would continue forever I was told some really good advice. My friend said Steph sometimes you “Need the rain to love the sun. Things will get better... but for now. being a little off is totally ok”. And you know what he was totally right. I gave myself a few days to be upset, and then before I knew it I was back in action. Back to my positive self, fully enjoying life. I think I need to allow myself to be upset when those times come, rather then just trying to push it off, or pretend it’s not happening.

With that thought in mind, and being back to me. I got back into my running, having quiet a few good 10k runs, also followed with a few decent bike rides. I have joined a outdoors club within the school which I absolutely love. We already have been on a wicked hike to DeCew falls. It’s amazing, when the pictures get posted I’ll be sure to add some. I’ve been out, seen old friends, played video games, and did multiple trips on the bus. Of course I have been attending school but there is so much more to life then just schooling, thus in my fourth year I decided it’s now time to take advantage. I have decorated my new place as well as found a job.

I find ever since I started running my determination has increased dramatically. I am really excited for fourth year and everything that is has to bring. Let’s hope I can get a few races under the belt before the snow falls.

Friday, September 4, 2009

to the staff of '09

As another 3 months finish I realize where my heart lies. It lies in the smiles and laughter of each child who entered our day camp week after week. It lies in the traditional games of soccer, the rainy days and even the tears from upset campers. It lies in the first week of camp right until the last. As the buses pulled away today from the final busing hill, I realized this was it. Another summer, another camp session and one last amazing day with the people who I hold so dearly.

I can't believe how fast these times have passed, and how many memories were made. I will miss the staff socials, the "unoffical" staff socials, the nights of paintball, and coldstone creamery. I will miss the dirty jokes and "thats what she said" lines. I will miss the nicknames and the morning circles (that slowly failed as the summer went on. I will miss the break spot, and the incredible games of dodgeball, especially counsellor vs. campers. But I think most of all I will miss the staff. Some of us go way back, years back and I think thats what made the goodbyes so much harder, this year. Some goodbyes couldn't even be made because I know it would have been that much harder. I know there will be some who I keep in touch with, others who I wish I had, and some who will drift off into their own amazing lives. This summer brought more laughter, more smiles, and way more memories.

Whereever or whatever you all do I wish you all the best, I just wanted to re-say what sarah had wrote and let you know that I hope you remember how much of a difference you have made in some of these kids lives! They will never forget the experiences and memories that were created at camp, but more importantly, they will always remember the people who made a difference." Thank you all for the amazing messages in my memory book. They all mean so much. I love you all.

p.s I like turtles too :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the hope you keep afloat

Congrats once again Kari. You and Sean had an amazing wedding, the pictures are fantastic and you both looked stunning. The love you two have is incredible, and you help to keep the faith and hope afloat that one day I will be that happy and that in love. Congrats once again on your wedding day, and enjoy the journey life has given you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Sometimes other people are able to sum things up better then what you can do. I wouldn't even know where to start. There's alot I want to do and see, yet I am unsure if I am on the right path, or if their is even a path. Maybe money is holding me back, maybe friends and family, or maybe it's just myself. Right now I don't really know and it's this confusion that's the hardest.Sometimes the confusion in one's life can be solved with a picture, story, movie, or a inspiring message. Sometimes this is untrue, but the hope and wonder if always there.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Epic Journey

I don't think there is any word better then EPIC to sum up the trip I endeavored this past weekend. The word epic sometimes I think to myself doesn’t even give it justice. This past weekend was the adventure of a lifetime. As the countdown started I began getting more and more excited, sharing the excitement with those I work with as well as family members about this crazy experience that I would soon be heading on. So now here’s the story of what happened.


It all started Friday night where I awaited the pickup from Jon to begin the trip. A little delayed because of a wedding he had to attend but none the less it was an enjoyable wait yet eager the whole time. Once he arrived we finally set sail (well set gas pedal) ha-ha and drove on our way to reach the Niagara region. After sitting in traffic, taking a few wrong turns, and realizing I did not bring the map we arrive. By now it was 2:30 and we were both exhausted, we were unsuccessful with finding a campsite that was open, or one that didn’t cost money so we kept driving. We found a glorious field which was covered by bushes all around so the car and tent wouldn’t be seen. Yes sneaky and gypsy like but so worth it. We set up tent and decided to hit the sac. It was awesome sleeping in a tent once again. Hearing the sounds of nature all around and being all cozy in my sleeping bag it was defiantly a good sleep.


The morning on the other hand. By goly was it hot. As the air seeped into the tent, I could feel the sweat pouring off my body. Considering the time being 8:30 it was SOOO HOT. We had quiet a lot of distance to cover so we needed to get a move on. Jon and I packed up the tent, and drove out of the field and town we were squatted in and drove towards st. catharines for some delicious breakfast. YEAHOO DONUT DINER…After eating we knew we were ready. We drove towards our starting location. With a small pit stop for get this…….GO KARTING! We did 9 laps of this fast track go kart course and played a round of miniputt. After sweating to death at the miniputt course, and getting my kart bumped and getting passed by Jon we were finally ready to get to our starting location for the long haul. We decided to start at the Niagara Cable Car. So we loaded out bikes up, packed our backpacks, wished each other luck, and we were set. We road past the Great Wolf Lodge, Past Clifton Hill and Niagara falls, following it all along the parkway past beautiful bridges, and massive homes. Stopping a few times for snacks and pee breaks. Road through what was known as Chippewa and old Fort Erie. Till we reached the break point of the path. All of these were some of the most picturesque things. It saddens me that I did not have a camera yet deeply honored that I had the chance to experience this trip. We had then reached Fort Erie the stopping destination for this leg of the trip. As we road (still without a map) trying to guess which way to go, our backpacks and bike’s feeling heavy, and just wanting to rest at the site. We head to get their by 8 in order to be counted as checking in on time. This road seemed the longest, one straight long path without much to see on either side. Once arriving we were able to set up camp anywhere we liked. We picked a nice spot with an amazing view of the water, which was to later be blocked by a truck. None the less we arrived set up site and went for a swim. SO FRESRESHING! After the swim we decided because my bike had a flat tire we would walk into town to get some food and some beer to drink. OH MY GOSH. Hardest walk of my life, we had no idea where we were going, the streets made no sense, and there was absolutely nothing in fort erie. We left at we’ll say 7:30 arriving at the beer store 9:15….oooh and just with our luck it closed at 9. None the less we found this amazing pasta place with a liquer license and they were open to 11. We headed in, ordered the most amazing meal and a lovely pint of beer. Quiet the amazing top off to a fantastic day of riding. We decided because the walk took so long we would cab it back to site. Turned out our cabby was from my hometown and lived 2 streets over. And knew the area in which Jon lived. Once arriving back at site we were dead and headed to bed. Hitting the pillow(our clothing haha no pillows brought) and going out like a light. All I can say is it was a huge success.


Woke up Sunday morning, with an amazing feeling. I knew we had conquered half the trip and that was all so enjoyable. After packing up our stuff we were ready to get going. With my flat tire we knew we had to pump it up before we got to far ahead on the trip. As we road through the campground we realize they had an air pump the entire time. Which means we could have road our bikes last night and get to town on time. Oh well, the walk still was pretty worth the food. I filled up my tire and we started to ride. Going back seemed such a less distance then the way we road. As we road my tire continued to loss more and more air. Jon being the amazing bike mechanic he is, determined their was a hole in the tire which caused me to need to buy a knew one. After reaching Niagara falls we finally decided to head towards a Walmart, walking on foot, for what seemed like forever. I defiantly became a little upset and could feel the tiredness and sun attacking my body. Thank goodness for Jon to keep me sane and boost my spirits with excellent mitch hedberg jokes and chocolate mnm’s. After replacing the tire we were back on our bikes for the last leg of the trip. My now my hands are hurting from the bike tape slowly ripping and peeling away on the handlebars leave lovely red burning area’s on my palms.

Though we endured so much pain in times it was all very worth it. After arriving at our final location/the starting point we were the two happiest people. So proud of not only myself but also Jon for one hell of a trip. Biggest grin on our faces and a continuous saying of “I can’t believe we just did that, were such troopers”. It still seems insane that we just road the distance we did. This blog post doesn’t even begin to describe the trip yet can only provide you with a SMALL sense of what happened. After 87 km’s of riding, 20 km’s of walking, 15 liters of water, hours of talking, and a countless amount of laughter this was one hell of a trip. I am so glad I went, and wouldn’t have wished for my riding partner to be anyone else.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We set sail with no star in sight.

This week just got like 10 times better. After experienceing my first paintball experience, and my first cold stone experience I thought what nothing could make it any better. Yet, I was wrong. The THRICE CD was realeased today!!!! I know its not the real deal, its just the illegally downloaded version but still better then nothing. And Woah is it ever good...Check it out...Thrice-----> Beggars!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We're never going home, until the sun says were finished.

I haven't been running as much as I have been busy with other things. This week was defintly a slack and a half, yet the yoga has going well. I plan to run a bunch of routes this weekend up north at my cottage. I think it will be nice to get some good trail rides in. No ipod needed for those. Just me and the forest clear my head and destress from camp. It should be a good weekend and a great start to the next week.

Side note:::::Riding!!!!!

The next bike trip has been planned and I can't wait. As I was riding home today, I began to think of the hills along the parkway and how wicked the route was last time. We have decided to extend the route past the falls towards fort erie. It's total distance 43km's. Which is tones more than last time. We have decided to leave early and to spend the night so we wouldn't have to be falling asleep driving like last time. We are going to start at Niagara glen and follow the same Niagara parkway till it reaches the falls. We we pass the falls and the rainbow bridge into the city of fort erie. It is quiet and distnace but I have a feeling it will be so worth it. This time I will remember the camera right away to capture some of the scenary. We've planned what to bring and next week we will discuss the final time and meeting location. All that happens now is the countdown of days.

Here is the mapping of our route.

*if you think of any cool stops to see on the way..totally let me know:)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bikes Rides R Us...(a post and a half.)

So the long weekend has offically started well today is officaly half over. But none the less it has been going incredible. This post is unrelated to running, yet focuses more on biking, and how a small vehcile with two wheels can bring such joy to someones life. I had planned that this weekend I would do an epic ride. A bike adventure that I would be proud of, one that would stay in my memory and bring joy to myself that maybe I had been missing previously. Originally the plan was to bike to toronto and around the downtwon core, then when prepared to come home hop on the go train back to town. Small change of plans considering there was the carabana festival. Instead the planned changed alot more. I headed out with an old friend who I hadn't seen in months. Believeing that maybe this ride would be alot more awarkward and weird but it wasn't. It was almost as if time had standed still in the midst of our lives and just secretly months passed, therefore when we reunited nothing changed.

It started off at 11 when I board the go train headed westbound to Oakville where I would meet him. I have never felt more out of place on a train ride then I did that day. IT was packed with people in beaded costumes, showing all sorts of skin as I stood on the train dressed for a bike ride with a helmet and backpack and a bicycle taking up a large chunk of the train. The train was delayed because of the overflow of passangers getting on and off at all the stops so I didn't reach oakville till 1. But I wouldn't let the train put me down. After arriving and meeting up, we attached out bikes to the back of the automobile and pressed onward. From here the adventure started we aimed to drive to Niagara on the lake for an epic riding adventure all along the parkway. There was so much traffic on the QEW (because of the long weekend)...stupid us should have thought about that. But w.e We watched aladin and drove hoping to arrive before sunset. We stopped for food and picked up a few tall boys for the cycle. By 4:30/5 we arrived at Fort George with relief.

As soon as we hopped on our bikes we remember what the wait was all for. It felt so good to just give it all you had and pedal. The path and area surrouding was packed with people, yet with his quick bike and my determination to keep up we passed loads of people. Road past some amazing scenary. The big floral clock, fort george, sail boats, the hydro station, the botanical gardens, some winaries until we reached Niagara Glen. Here we hiked down, and hiked all through the foresty area. We did some pretend rock climbing, and he taught me some neat tricks and how to do bouldering (i think it was called). I wiped out on a rock, thinking I could jump on it, ended up slipping on the wet moss and brusiing my bum and leg. But meh, what are adventures for without the cuts and scrapes. We walked down to the waters edge, walked in the water, skipped rocks, which somehow turned into a massive water fight. Me losing of course. (damn evolution and the strength of man). Needed a bathroom break, hiked back up, used them, then hiked back down and did it all over again haha.

It started to get dark so we decided to head home. With the path being very invisiable to the eye we had multiple pathway mishaps. Followed by me verring off the path and ended up riding on the grass. As well as every time a car came close they had their highbeams on so it made it impossible to see. It was like a blinding walk to the light episode ever time. Which blinded the path and we then had to guess. To be honest though, it was well worth it. Yes, many can say that is very unsafe but at the time you are just living in the moment and in the excitment that the darkness produces. Almost living on a high...just not the drug aspect more high on life effect. After multple almost crashes, misdirections, and blinded eyes, we reached the car at 11.

We then we desperate for food, so we ate, then drove home. Exhausted beyond belief, but so very worth it. I thank him not only for the idea of the location, the drives he provided but also for the incredible journey along the way. It was defintly a day I would not forget. And perhaps another one should be in progress.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

another half under the belt.

What a day!

I think those three words sum it up quiet well. After deciding a while ago to run another half marathon today was the final day of the race. It would be my second half marathon and my mom's first. Turns out my uncle was there as well. IT was an incredible day for running. Even though my training for this run was not as well as I had planned because of work getting involved I still new I could finish it. The goal this time, was to beat the previous time of my half which was 2:05.

We woke up this morning, pumped and ready to go. After eating a delicious banana and filling up water bottles we were off to the race. The race started at 9am and even at 9 it was quiet warm, alot better running conditions then that of the full. As we headed out, I felt really slow. The first 5km's I felt like it was my slowest running yet, when i looked at my watch it had been 25 minutes. I knew I can do a 5km faster then that so I knew I had to pick up my pace for the next 15.

As we kept running the sun started beating down, I could feel the sweat dripping off my back and forhead. I was glad to have my running fuel belt, to provide water during those partched steps of the run. The route went down past the psyc hospital and along the water front, threw the subdivison and around the marine and then back and around it again. It was a neat course, yet each time we entered the subdivison you could feel the heat attack your body.

Because it was an out and back course, throughout many times in the run I passed my uncle and my mom, both with smiles to see and hope for them to finish. I felt I picked up the pace quiet a bit and every 5km's I got faster and faster. Till the final strech of the run. I was passing people who had passed me right at the beginning. At the 18km mark I ran like there was no tomorrow, turing the last coroner and coming through to the finish there was a guy on a bike who told me 300 meters to finish.

He followed me the entire way, cheering me on. Commenting me on my legs, stride and telling the guy in front of me to move over so he doesn't get steam rolled. I didn't believe I was running that fast but who knows. The man was a great support to have and I felt like the wind. Flying to the finish.

Here are the results so far, when the get posted I'll fill you in on more details. So far I was 38th out of ...... I was the 7th female out of...... I was the 3rd in my age category.....AND get this I finished with a time of 1 hour and 43 minutes....CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. I am still in shock. Considering the heat, and the worn out shoes, I creamed my time from last's half. It was an amazing finish, I am so proud and so glad I did it. I can't wait for the next. Props to my mom and uncle for finishing as well. Both with times they were really proud of. Well my mom was proud to just finish and that was incredible enough. I ran back and ran the last finish .5k with her till the end. I love her to death and can only hope she knows how proud we all are.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Before you give up, think of the reason why you were holding on for so long in the first place.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Half Marathon......I think so!

So it has been almost a month since I did the full marathon and i'm eager to get back out there and run again. I don't just mean running for fun at night, I mean the actual race feeling has been exploding inside.

So it has been finalized I am going to run another marathon. Well not a full but another half. July 26th in Whitby. So it is real close to where I am now which will be good, wont have to head away for the whole weekend.

I'm really excited, althought the training has been difficult because of work, but I have managed to get in two 15km run's last week and hopefully some more this week. Here's hoping I do, as well as I hope I am able to beat my time from last years run.

I also found new routes, they are incredible. I've seen dear, foxes, tones of birds, and the soloness of the route is great for thinking and clearing my head.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Running Side Note

So here is yet another post not about running. But thats okay, what did you expect when this blog was entitled the Life and World of steph. Anyways. Life has been pretty good. It has had its ups and down's like any other life. The up's are by far the best and the down's, they are hard to get through yet with family, friends, and running I manage. I have been enjoying the summer weather, well the warm days of it. The cold rainy ones I am not to keen on. They make working at camp awful, but I figure we still have two months alot can change. I have been loving my weekends, I've kept busy with camping, cottages, parties, running, biking, heading downtown, and just hanging out with friends and family. The end of the summer I'm sure ill share a more indepth post about the summer for now I want to share some other things.

If you like reading I highly suggest you read these two books. They are really good and quiet easy reads. I found I was unable to put it down, which resulted in sleepless nights and very very tried mornings. But none the less sooo good. Both books are by the same author. The first is called The five people you meet in heaven. And the second book is called Tuesdays with Morrie. Both are very enjoyable, and kind of give you a new outlook on life. I'd say take a look at them, and let me know what you think.

The next best thing to the past two books I have read is this wicked new book that my mom bought for me after completeing the full marathon. Its called Great Races, Incredible Places: 100+ Fantastic Runs Around the World It contains tones of runs that take place all over the world, with information about each, and even some pictures. I can't wait to try and attempt some of them. It defintly gives me a challenge to focus upon.

Last but defintly not least. The Bicycle Film Festival is coming up. I recommened you watch the trailer and attend if you can. I'm so excited to go..Keep the dates open you guys, August 19th-22nd:D. Visit the website for more details @ www.bicyclefilmfestival.com

As for running..Been running 10 or more everday since the marathon with the exception of heading away on the weekend. It feels great to be back out there on my feet. I also have been doing yoga for the past 2 weeks every morning before camp...Lets hope it all pays off, and I can keep it up.

**click on any of the highlighted words for links to them**

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The New Goal.

I shall fill everyone in on more detail later, but for now here's the new goal. This one will be much more difficult but the reward will be that much better. I can only strive to keep myself inspired and perhaps inspire others along the way.

Check the LINK: Tour Du Canada

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Word's can't even begin to describe.

So friday finally arrived, and after biking home from work, packing my bag, and hoping in the car we were off to St. Kitts for the weekend. This wasn't your normal weekend, this weekend included my FIRST FULL MARATHON.

Once arriving to st. kitts we checked into our hotel and picked up our race kits, as well as meeting with my uncle. We went our for dinner, I ate delciious pasta to give me the carbs that I will need. After dinner, we headed to the hotel to discuss the race, have some snacks and pack our bags for the following morning. We checked the weather one last time, then headed to sleep. (amazing comfy hotel beds = love)

Saturday morning arrived and arrived fast. I awoke to an alarm at 5:45am. Very early yet I was pumped with excitment I woke right up and began getting dressed. Put on the usual. My running shorts, sports bra, double layered socks, and a technical shirt. I applied bodyglide(for those who don't know; bodyglide is like a stick of deoderant that you apply to area's to prevent chaufing and blistering), got together my running waist waterband filled with 2 bottles powerade and 2 bottles water. Then after putting on my shoes I began to eat....the usual breakfast before run a banana and a bagel. By 6:30 we were out and on the road.

After arriving at the kingsmen scout hall, we picked up our running chips, and I visited the bathroom (like usual of course) then we waited. Our start time was 7:30. At 7:00 we watched the 50km runners head out then we headed towards the line. As the race instructor announced 5 minutes to start I began to get really worried. 42km is a long distance, and I really wasn't sure if I would be able to do it. As I started to worry, tears started to fill my eyes. I started crying and thinking that maybe this wasn't a good idea. Yet, I was glad to have the comfort of my uncle, my mom and my dad to calm my nerves yet still the thought went through my mind. 7:30am approached the whistle went and off we ran.

As I started running, I began to forget the nerves and I just ran like I was used to. Like I enjoy, and I began to feel alive. My uncle and I talked about all kinds of things and paced ourself knowing we had 42km to cover. As we started running, it started to rain. Let me restate that, it wasn't rain. It was complete downpour!!!! We got soaked, puddles formed all along our running path, that there was no way to avoid it. So we ended up just running straight through.

We ran past fort george all along the Niagara Parkway, past winery after winery. Ran past the Laura Secord house and the Brock Monument. Ran through bike trails past the big floral clock, and the hydro water Generating Station. We ran past Niagara glen, past Great wolf lodge and made our way to just outside of Niagra falls near the Whirpool Bridge Area, to then hit the 21.5km mark and have to make out way back to the finish. Still getting soaked from the rain and running through puddles we treked out way back hitting the refresment stations along the way. Gaining fuel from water, gatorade, banana's and anything else they have to offer. THEY EVEN HAD M&M'S AT THEIR STATION!!!!!

After running the way back and reaching the entrance to fort george I knew we were almost there, I began to pick up the pace and began to forget about the pain I once had and just give it everything I had. As I picked up the pace I left my uncle behind, we began yelling back to each other I love you and give it all you got. I started to sprint. I gave that last 100 meters everything I had in me. As I could see the finish line and all the people, tears began to stroll down my face. The excitment was unbelieveable. I can't even begin to describe how I felt, or the thoughts going through my mind. I felt on top of the world and more alive then I had in ages. When I crossed that line I didn't even care that I was recieveing a medal or that there was refreshments inside. I had the biggest grin on my face from ear to ear, and was heaving because of my tears. As I looked back, I began screaming. GO UNCLE GARY!!!!....as he came running across the line I knew from that moment, we did it. We just ran 42km.....a FULL MARATHON.

So after all of this....I ran the marathon in 4:41. I placed 48 out of 76. I was the 13th female out of 27 females overall. I placed 7th in my age category of 39 and under. But that stuff isn't even important. The real importance to me was just accomplishing the race. I didn't walk at all during the whole thing, and there was no need for bathroom breaks (yeah no pooping). My feet were completly pruened by the end from running through puddle after puddle, but who cares.

Even a day later, I still don't even know how to react. I am more proud of myself then any other accomplishment. I never thought I would have seen the day, and I don't even think I can describe how it feels. It is one of those things you need to experience yourself to gain the feeling.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

1 week remaining......and Shout outs!!!!!

So today is Sunday June 14th and that means there is 6 days until the full marathon. It's hard to believe this date has come so soon. I still do not feel prepared enough. I think I am more nervous for this then I was for my drivnig test (which I did indeed pass...yipppee). Anyways, as this week went by I got a few really good runs in, mixed with some easier runs.

- Ran 14.1km
- Ran 23.76km (this was hill day....oooh boy did it kill me, and my knees)
- Ran 12.61km
- Ran 22.21km (got a dirty blood blist...poo, stupid wrong socks)

Still no 32km to show which gets me worried. I'm hoping that I have the strength and determination to pull through on Saturday or else at 29.2km I'll be stopped and not able to continue. Anyone got any advice for this last week, besides taking it easy)??

Also shout outs to Heather for starting to run. Apparently I have inspried her she says, so a few times this past week and the week before we have headed out on nice and easy 30 minutes runs...with a walk 1 minute, run 1 minute approach. This week we increased to 35 minutes of walk 1 run 1. Till adventually we can swtich it up and run 2 walk 1, then run 3, walk 1.....etc... Her goal is to adventually be able to run a 5km by the end of the summer. So here's hoping. I know she can do it, and I shall help every step along the way.

Friday, June 5, 2009

2 weeks till the run.

Still counting down days till June 20th, and still increasing the long runs kilometer by kilmoeter. After being away monday and tuesday at an overnight camp training I felt behind in my running. I know I needed to step it up if I want to be able to finish this full marathon without massive amounts of pain.

So here it goes:
Tuesday: I ran a solid 15km.
Wednesday: I ran a nice enjoyable 15.03
Thursday: I ran 18.33km
Friday: Decided I would switch it up and biked 33.31km.

We shall see what runs I accomplish on saturday and Sunday as I'm heading off camping, but none the less, something will get done at some point. I still need to get to 33km and the furstest i've ran is 29.2km. So in two weeks here's hoping. I also have desperatly discovered I need new shoes. I can slowly feel the lack of support in my mizuno's now. After a while on long runs, I can start to feel some pain in the bootom of my foot. So not only am I counting down the days till the marathon, but also till I can buy some new shoes haha.

Any suggestions of recommened shoe brands? Or should I just stick with my one love mizuno shoes.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A run update.....

Finally registered for the full marathon, and as the weeks get closer, the more and more nervous I get. I still havent managed to run over 26km, it is freakin hard, let me tell you that much. Not hard in the sense of the distance, just hard in the sense of who has like 3 hours to spare in the day. Going at night is too dangerous (according to the folk) and going in the middle of day is asking for a heat stroke. None the less I have been keeping up with the running and have some lovely tan lines to prove it.

Last week!!
- Ran a 23km (wicked way to start off the week)
- Ran a 12km (a nighttime run...short, but decent)
- Ran a 25.43km (amazing run through the side streets and countryside)
- Ran a 6km (sooooo hot)
- Plus a few small bike rides to friends houses, and the library.

After an amazing weekend of gorgeous weather, and celebrating my friend's 21st birthday...yet another week of training began.

The Old Gandy Crew!!!

This week....(to start)
- Decided to take a break from running and do some cycling....biked 35.75km (AMAZING)
- Ran a small 10km before work training
- RAN FINALLY A 29.2km....I am still in shock.
- Ran 16km (a nice ease off of the 29.2 haha)

Friday, May 22, 2009

So true...

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things.

We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete…

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent.

Remember, to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person might not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

“— Bob Moorehead

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
Lance Armstrong

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Delayed runs and life

Running has been delayed, but all for a good cause....well sort of. I do miss it, but I will be back on training tomorrow morning. I haven't been out since last tuesday, almost a week:O, I have been busy with things, and hurt my ankle running on Concession 3 (stupid uneven ground). So until then, I shall fill you in on the exciting life of MOI!

Went downtown T.O to visit a friend, took the subway which was extremly cool. Walked around to a million and one places. And I can't wait to go back. We visited tones of neat shops, and wicked bike stores (also to help him find a new tire, stupid people who stole it. I love that fixed gear bike anyways neighbour...Do it up orange style!)

I headed back to school for a few days, was weird to be there and not actually do school work, but none the less had an amazing time. Went to BUFFALO, and to the lovely olive garden where I indulged in the most amazing meals. Saw some friends, and the new house, which I am very excited to move into..(yeaaaaa biggg windowsss).

I also drum roll please...Started driving school, and I'm almost finished. Tomorrow is the final day. And I can't believe I put it off for so long. It is soo easy, and to be honest kinda interesting. I can't wait to finally be finished and to be able to drive...Oh the freedom I hear it now!!!!

So as my long weekend slowly comes to an end, that is what has gone down. Also I've spent a large majority watching planet earth. I am almost through all the DVD's. Sure it's lame but whatever. I like it, and it's my life haha.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank you tax check!!

So thanks to the lovely government I have recieved the glorious tax check and I couldn't be happier. It has defintly given me new hope in life. Okay well just hope in the finanical department. With this incredible thing we call tax check I have bought a amazing new pair of running shorts. Yeah I know its lame, they are only shorts but you wouldn't believe the power these shorts have. They are water resistent, quick drying, and they have breathable sides. They also have underwear attachted inside. Okay well not underwear but you remember boys bathing shorts. That kind of stuff. To be honest though I like it. They are amazing. I will be sure to take a photo, just to show them off a bit more. I also bought some new headbands for running of course. They are non slip, and they are tiny that they are not so incredibly hot like my last one. They also have reflectors in them...Who knew???

Also with this tax check I finally have signed myself up for driving school. I am sooo excited. It is a 4 day course, so it happens this weekend. So I can get it done and over with and finally get that stupid G2 that I have been putting off for years. None the less I am excited, and have been driving alot lately, becoming pro of course.

The tax check has also allowed me to head back to the native school land. I just finished packing for the 2 nights 3 day adventure to see some friends and of course my friends mom in from Calgary. I am very excited should be a good couple of days. Tomorrow bright and early I head out, to then meet my friend downtown for some lunch or even some brewing touring haha. Then off to school until friday.

With money still to spare the possibilities are endless....Oh and I applied for yet another job, so heres hoping. If not I guess camp starts soon enough.

Week 4 running:
- Ran a 8km (recovery run)
- Ran a 20.39km
- Don't know about the rest yet, we'll see how it plays out..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Caught Candid

Oh the pictures taken on race day. Don't you love the closed eyes, open mouth look. I know it's by far the sexiest I think I have ever seen myself. At least I don't look like im dying of exhaustion. I guess thats good. Here's the photo's from www.zoomphoto.ca. Well a selection, I won't lie I picked the decent ones, there was some that lets just say.....we'll leave them hidden....

P.s: Try and find me in the first one..I'm there yellow coat and all!