Busy bee. That's how I feel like this november is going, and I know it can only get worse from here. It is expected being in fourth year for all these challenges to arise, the power now is can I overcome all of them and still do well. I guess we shall see. I have enough faith in myself, it's just purcrasanation is sooooooooooooooooo much easier haha. I can't even go back to think where it all began. But I think I will go with last friday.
- Woke up early, caught the bus downtown toronto. Met a friend for lunch. Walked around Toronto till 3, when I was able to go in and visit my mom. Visited the mother in the hospital for a while. Dad, brother and his girlfriend showed up. Went our for dinner at like 6. Had dinner, then met friends at Union for some wicked CTF....the game was incredible. But by midnight I was tired and it was time to take the train home. Got home one ish and hit the sac immediately.
-woke up, had breakie with dad, showered, drove to toronto, caught the greyhound back to st. catharines to get to work. Worked from 1:15 till 6:15. Came home, went for a run. Showered, ate, started searching for articles. At 11 headed to a friends for a destresser which included rockband playing.
- Woke up early, read chapters all day, read articles and summarized, did my usual online posting. Went running and then Headed to bed early from being exhausted.
- Woke up, did quick assignment for class. Went to class from 11-2. Went to work from 2-5. Went to class from 5-8. Came home worked out essay.
- Woke up, summarized articles for second essay. Went to brock to do reserve readings. Played final frisbee game (which sadly we lost...but lost in sudden death so it wasnt too bad, it was an amazing game). Then went straight to work after the game till 9:15. Walked home. Showered, ate, and searched for information for group presentation.
- woke up, started studying for my midterm tomorrow. Went running. And then back to more studying.
The rest of the week consists of:
- Snap 9-11, midterm/class from 11-2, writing paper
-meet group for presentation 8:30
-class 11-2
-class 2-5 (hand in two assignments)
-work 6-9
- work on paper that is due monday all day!!!
- finish up paper
- work from 1-6
I don't even want to begin to think how next week is going to be. All i know is that I am slowly counting down the days till christmas so we can finally have a good decent break.
Even among all this really awful news some good news has taken place. I've been accpted...I am sooo excited, and I don't even know where to begin, well the first step is getting the money together but still. It is the dream of a lifetime and I can't wait for it to take place. I'll be sure to fill everyone in on more details as the weeks goes on. But for now...all you need to know is I AM ACCEPTED:):)